Near–Surface Seismic Processing/MASW

A dedicated module for Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) available in the RadExPro for easy and competent evaluation of S–wave velocities of the subsurface.

  • Input from SEG–2, SEG–D, SEG–Y…
  • Intuitive geometry assignment
  • FV and FK dispersion images calculated independently—you get the best of both
  • 2–3 clicks to extract a dispersion curve accurately—with semi–automatic smart picking algorithm
  • 1 click to save all dispersion curves at once and send them to inversion
  • Joint inversion of fundamental and higher modes, unlimited number of modes allowed
  • Exceptionally user–friendly design—you will enjoy it!

FV and FK dispersion images with dispersion curves picked: accurate, easy and very fast!

You can invert all extracted modes jointly or indicate a particular combination of modes for the inversion. For instance, you can, first, invert the fundamental mode only (which is more stable) and then use the result as the initial model for joint inversion with the higher modes.

You can invert all dispersion curves from all receiver mid–stations in one click, or thoroughly control inversion process at each location. You can also make a thoroughly controlled inversion at one location and then use the result as an initial model for automatic inversion at all other locations along the line.

Resulting Vs section can be printed or exported to ASCII (together with Vs30) or GRD files.