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April 2020

New release – RadExPro 2020.1 150 150 RadExPro

New release – RadExPro 2020.1

The next version of our seismic software, RadExPro 2020.1, is ready now! The main novel is the Interactive Refraction Statics module that we have been working on for the last few months. In the future, we are going to license it separately, but for now, a standard RadExPro Professional license includes 100 launches of the module. You can use this launches both for evaluation/educational purposes and for commercial projects.

Other improvements include Surface-Consistent Decon, synchronized spectra, when Screed Displays are synchronized, automatic horizon velocity analysis and more, see Release Notes for the details.

As many of you probably have noticed, due to some technical problems we had to skip 2019.4 release. For this reason, for those of you who had been on maintenance by 31.12.2019 but now the maintenance is over, we decided to provide this update for free.
So, if you are on maintenance now or had been on maintenance by 31.12.2019, please contact us at

Due to some technical problems, we had to skip 2019.4 release. For this reason, for those of you who had been on maintenance by 31.12.2019 but now the maintenance is over, we decided to provide this update for free. So, if you are on maintenance now or had been on maintenance by 31.12.2019, please contact us at and get your free update.