Monthly Archives :

February 2024

New Tutorial on Advanced High-Resolution Offshore Multichannel Seismic Processing 150 150 RadExPro

New Tutorial on Advanced High-Resolution Offshore Multichannel Seismic Processing

High-resolution multichannel marine statics, multiple suppression (Zero-Offset Demultiple and SRME algorithms), deghosting and pre-stack migration – this tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of processing offshore multichannel 2D high-resolution seismic data using RadExPro. It covers all the necessary steps to generate a migrated image from the seismic gathers recorded in the field.

The input dataset for this tutorial was supplied by Applied Acoustics (L200 sparker, 48 channel streamer).

The tutorial is available here, featuring both a PDF-document and a demonstration processing project.

Provisional Event Schedule 2024 150 150 RadExPro

Provisional Event Schedule 2024

In 2024, RadExPro will be attending the following industry events: